Mushroom Salad Recipe

Premium mushroom salad

 Mushrooms are versatile, easy-to-cook and nutritious. Make a mushroom salad for a new accompaniment to your favorite meal. 

I love this recipe with this mushroom for a combination of different varieties to make more delicious.The first time I tasted this awesomeness was a few days ago, on the First time my uncle made it! I really like its texture, how fresh it is even if it has mayo as a dressing and the overall plenty of flavors and other sour and sweet are really Best Combination!
This mushroom salad is very filling and…addictive! Well, I had to let you know. You’ll eat triple servings! At least that’s what I do.

1 head red or green leaf lettuce
250 g brown cap or chanterelle mushroom
2 springs rosemary
4 springs thyme
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 shallots, finely chopped
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons port wine
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons light sour cream
3 tablespoons dried cranberries

Making recipe 

1  Tear lettuce into small pieces. Use to line a serving bowl. Wipe mushrooms with pepper towel. Trim and cut large ones in half. Finely chop rosemary and thyme leaves.
2  Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add mushrooms and cook until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Add chopped herbs, savings a little for garnish.
3  Add vinegar and port wine to mushroom mixture. Cook, uncovered, until mixture is slightly reduced, about 2 min. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spoon over prepared salad. spoon a little sour cream into each portion then sprinkle with dried cranberries.

4  Add boiled corns for garnish with nice combination.

Serves  4 , Preparation 10 min, cooking  12 min.
This contains : 219 cal, 3 g protein, 18 g total fat, 5 g saturated fat,
12 mg cholesterol, 9 g carbohydrates, 3 g fibre
