Salad with yogurt lime sauce

Salad Combining yogurt lime sauce

"This Salad combines with variety of fruits in dressing with yogurt lime sauce"

Ingredients Used

1/4 small watermelon (about 1 kg), cutted in cubes
1/2 muskmelon, cubed about 2 1/2 cups)
1/4 honeydew melon, cubed (for about 2 cups)
1 cup of seedless red or green grapes (about 175g)
1/2 small pineapple (500g), cubed

yogurt lime sauce

1 cup of yogurt (about  250g)
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 tablespoons honey 
1 tablespoon lime juice 
pinch of ground pepper

Making recipe
1 Combine all the melons, grapes and pineapple in a large bowl. Chill, covered, until serving time.

2 To make yogurt lime sauce, combine yogurt, sour cream, honey, lime juice and ginger in a small         bowl. Chill, covered, until serving time.

3 Serve fruit salad in individual bowls. After that serve yogurt lime sauce on the side.

Cooking Tips:

The fresh pineapple is not available, then better use 1 cup (about 200g) drained canned pineapple cubes or pieces. (or), replace the pineapple and use two large mangoes, sliced or cubed.

Serves  8

Preparation  30 min

Contains: 149 cal, 3 g protein, 4 g total fat,
2 g saturated fat, 12 mg cholesterol,
26 g carbohydrate, 3 g fibre
